Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Break on through to the other side

Alright, so I've broken through to the other side. I've always been somewhat suspcious of people who blog, but I figured since I've also crossed over to the other side of the world, this may be a good way to update people on my time here in Vietnam . I can't promise to be a faithful blogger. This may very well be my first and last post, but at least I tried, right? Even if I don't keep up with the writing, I will try to occasionally post some pictures for anyone who is interested.

If anyone does ever read this thing, be sure to leave me some posts!


Courtney Menz said...

Dear Christin, It is Saturday morning on Memorial Weekend, and we read your blog. You are a great writer, and we enjoyed reading it. Glad you made it safe, and please keep us updated on how you are doing. Love, Courtney, Doug, Mary Mills, and Corinne 5.26.07

ossupov said...

Oh look at those motorbikes :) Miss it. Have a blast my dear friend.

Unknown said...

Keep the updates coming, now I have a nice diversion to my Algebra homework.

kraftyman said...

Please keep the stories coming! I'm living vicariously through you this summer. My summers of travel seem to be over as I take my place in Corporate America. Miss ya!

aunt anna said...

dear christin, your blog writing is just as meticulous as evverything else you do, i am not surprised, just very proud. i am glad that you are safe and see some hope in your project "from the heart". the other night i was telling steve stories of you 'WORKING' at the shop and how precious you hve always been, and still are to me. we love you aunt anna, uncle steve, and cooper